import pphys2d.bodies.*; import pphys2d.joints.*; import pphys2d.shapes.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.raw.collide.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.raw.strategies.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.raw.forcesource.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.util.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.raw.shapes.*; import pphys2d.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.raw.*; import pphys2d.phys2d.math.*; int PREGAME = 0; int GAME = 1; int POSTGAME = 2; int gamemode = PREGAME; HashSet particles = new HashSet(); PPWorld world; void setup(){ size(500,500); rectMode(CENTER); textFont(createFont("",24),24); world = new PPWorld(); } void draw(){ background(0); if(gamemode == PREGAME) { drawPregame(); if(isKeyDown(32)){ resetGame(); gamemode = GAME; } } if(gamemode == POSTGAME){ drawPostgame(); } if(gamemode == GAME){ controlRocket(); drawChecks(); world.draw(this); checkPos(); drawTimes(); Iterator i = particles.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ Particle p = (Particle); p.move(); p.draw(); if(p.isDead()){ i.remove(); } } } if(mousePressed){ mouseDragged(); } } float startLap; Float bestLap = null; Float lastLap = null; void drawTimes(){ fill(0); rectMode(CORNER); float time = (millis() - startLap)/1000; textAlign(LEFT); text("time:"+time,200,280); if(lastLap != null) text("last:"+lastLap,200,300); if(bestLap != null) text("best:"+bestLap,200,320); } int START = 0; int LINE1 = 1; int LINE2 = 2; int lasthit = START; String lastmsg = ""; void checkPos(){ float x = rocket.getX(); float y = rocket.getY(); if(x >= 210 && x <= 210+20 && y >=150 && y <= 150+80){ if(lasthit == START){ lasthit = LINE1; } } if(x >= 0 && x <=40 && y >=200 && y <= 220){ if(lasthit == LINE1){ lasthit = LINE2; } } if(x >= 180 && x <=180+80 && y >=395){ if(lasthit == LINE2){ lasthit = START; lastLap = (millis() - startLap)/1000; if(bestLap == null || lastLap < bestLap){ bestLap = lastLap; } startLap = millis(); } } } void drawChecks(){ rectMode(CORNER); fill(255); noStroke(); float ssize = 20; for(int a = 0; a < 5; a++){ for(int b = 0; b < 4; b++){ fill(random(255)); rect(180+(b*ssize),395+(a*ssize),ssize,ssize); } } fill(random(128)); rect(210,150,20,80); fill(random(128)); rect(0,200,40,20); } PPConvexPoly rocket; void resetGame(){ startLap = millis(); ; world.setGravity(0,0); world.setEdges(this, new Color (255, 200, 40)); rocket = new PPConvexPoly(); rocket.vertex(0, -5); rocket.vertex(4,8); rocket.vertex(-4,8); rocket.setFillColor(new Color(200,30,30)); rocket.setStrokeColor(new Color(128,128,128)); rocket.setPosition(250,450); rocket.setRestitution(.5); rocket.setRotation(PI/2); world.add(rocket); addRock(213.0,311.0,104.0,170.0); addRock(280.5,302.5,95.0,89.0); addRock(424.0,424.0,82.0,138.0); addRock(431.0,165.0,128.0,138.0); addRock(263.5,78.0,109.0,148.0); addRock(376.0,71.0,170.0,90.0); addRock(143.5,163.5,55.0,131.0); addRock(80.0,199.0,84.0,94.0); addRock(112.0,326.0,106.0,76.0); addRock(41.0,459.5,70.0,77.0); } Color rockColor = new Color (255, 200, 40); float startX,startY; void mousePressed(){ startX = mouseX; startY = mouseY; } void mouseDragged(){ stroke(255); noFill(); float midX = (mouseX+startX)/2; float midY = (mouseY+startY)/2; float w = abs(mouseX - startX); float h = abs(mouseY - startY); rect(midX,midY,w,h); } void mouseReleased(){ float midX = (mouseX+startX)/2; float midY = (mouseY+startY)/2; float w = abs(mouseX - startX); float h = abs(mouseY - startY); addRock(midX,midY,w,h); // println("addRock("+midX+","+midY+","+w+","+h+")"); } void addRock(float x, float y, float w, float h){ PPBox rock = new PPBox(w,h); rock.setPosition(x,y); rock.setFillColor(rockColor); rock.setStaticBody(true); rock.setRestitution(.5); world.add(rock); } float ROT = .2; float MAXROT = 3; class Particle{ float x = rocket.getX(); float y = rocket.getY(); float xs;// = rocket.getVelocityX()/100; float ys;// = rocket.getVelocityY()/100; Particle(int dir){ /*float OFFSET =0; if(dir == UP) OFFSET = +PI/2.0; if(dir == LEFT) OFFSET = +PI/4.0; if(dir == UP) OFFSET = -PI/4.0;*/ float rotation = rocket.getRotation() + PI/2;//OFFSET; ys = sin(rotation)+ (rocket.getVelocityY()/100); xs = cos(rotation)+ (rocket.getVelocityX()/100); } int health = 500; void move(){ health --; x += xs; y += ys; } void draw(){ noStroke(); stroke(random(128,255),0,0); rect(x,y,1,1); } boolean isDead(){ return health < 0; } } void controlRocket(){ if(isKeyDown(37)){//left{ rocket.adjustAngularVelocity(-ROT); } if(isKeyDown(39)){//right rocket.adjustAngularVelocity(ROT); } if(isKeyDown(38) || isKeyDown(32)){//up float rotation = rocket.getRotation()-PI/2.0; float force = 40000.0f; rocket.addForce(cos(rotation)*force, sin(rotation)*force); if(frameCount % 3 == 0){ particles.add(new Particle(UP)); } } if(rocket.getAngularVelocity() > MAXROT){ rocket.setAngularVelocity(MAXROT); } if(rocket.getAngularVelocity() < -MAXROT){ rocket.setAngularVelocity(-MAXROT); } } void drawPregame(){ // pushMatrix(); // translate(width/3,height/3); rectMode(CORNER); fill(255); textAlign(CENTER); text("ROTATIN' ROCKET RACE\n\nhow fast can you go around the track?\n\narrows turn, space thrusts\n\nspace to start\n\n",50,100,400,350); // popMatrix(); } void drawPostgame(){ } HashSet keysDown = new HashSet(); void keyPressed(){ //println(this.keyEvent.getKeyCode()); this.keysDown.add(this.keyEvent.getKeyCode()); } void keyReleased(){ this.keysDown.remove(this.keyEvent.getKeyCode()); } boolean isKeyDown(int keyCode){ if(keysDown.contains(keyCode)) return true; return false; }