August 17, 2020

I didn't start properly getting drunk with friends until I was about twenty-three years old and I think the reason I started joining in was because I couldn't stand around watching people getting drunk any more. Not because I was jealous but because when you see people get drunk it looks like the most pointless activity you could ever imagine. You are watching someone become progressively worse as the night goes on and yet they insist it's the best. Unless you also have some sort of buzz going, drunk people are the most irritating company you could ever wish to keep. Having a conversation with a drunk person when you are sober is like being a classroom assistant in a primary school for kids who are drunk.
James Acaster, "James Acaster's Classic Scrapes"

A child looks at your average office and sees a playground; an adult looks at an office and sees a prison sentence. Then there are adults who love swivel chairs and hole-punches but can't openly enjoy them because they aren't children anymore and their playground days are over. The universe is cruel.
James Acaster, "James Acaster's Classic Scrapes"

I've been getting into Luigi's Lemon Italian Ice, great texture, made me wonder "100 calories? how have i been missing out?" and then I tried Marinos and was like "oh that's right, this is icy trash"